Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marko Dekena
Executive Vice President Global Business DevelopmentSales and International Operations, Powertrain Systems @ AVL LIST GmbH, Graz/Austria
Study of Mechanical Engineering at the
Technical University in Munich / Germany
Diploma in 1993
08/1993 – 03/1994 Kubota, Osaka / Japan
Trainee Program of VDMA
12/1994 – 09/2000 Volkswagen Group / Germany
Conferral of Doctorate at Volkswagen AG
Product Manager V6 and V8 Gasoline Engines at AUDI AG
10/2000 – 01/2005 MAN B&W Diesel AG / Germany
Assistant to the Executive Board
02/2005 – 06/2010 MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG / Germany
Head of Engines and Components Sales
07/2010 – today AVL LIST GmbH, Graz/Austria
Executive Vice President Global Business Development
Sales and International Operations, Powertrain Systems